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What is the 0x Salon?

We don’t know! But we’ve been thinking of it recently as an informal, tentacular and post-disciplinary assemblage of entangled concepts and methodologies. The 0x Salon is an experiment in collective discourse and knowledge sharing. The salon began life in February 2020 as an occasional event series creating unstructured space for discussion of unusual topics, based at the wonderful Trust workspace in Berlin. Despite the year’s challenges, we convened 9 gatherings in 2020, both physical & virtual. Read a 2020 year-in-review article here.

The salon is a no telos zone—everything is plastic and open to question. In part, this experiment is in response to our dissatisfaction with conventional knowledge creation & dissemination paradigms. Colleagues involved in the salon have experience of both traditional and vanguard intellectual environments - editing scholarly journals, organising conferences and workshop programs, and working with art institutions / festivals etc. We wish to mix the old with the new to find fruitful paths forward.

We pick new salon topics occasionally and develop them into a mixture of moderated peer discussion and talks with Q&A. Following a series of salons on a topic, we begin to collaboratively write up articles and vignettes based on the conversations had. Within an overarching topic, a series of salons might convene to explore particular “branches” under the umbrella.

An active community of researchers, practitioners, theorists and other knowledge professionals has taken shape around the salon and we are keen to foster and encourage related activities such as salon colleagues’ memetics and poetics outputs. We don’t want the salons to put undue workload pressure on participants or hosts. We want the salons to work for you, not the other way around! For example a salon co-host could use the salon as an opportunity to harness the intellectual capital in the room and work through research problems with a transdisciplinary audience. Participants often meet others interested in similar lines of inquiry and we’re keen to see new collaborations and cooperations emerge.


0x Salon is supported by Trust as a community organisation. We are closely aligned and there is a great deal of overlap in interests and colleagues.

Trust supports a network of artists, designers, technologists, ecologists and thinkers cross-contaminating the discursive and the practical. Trust invites different forms of participation and shares the created knowledge widely, through membership, public events, a residency program, live-streamed discussions, working groups, and research reports.

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Event series, residency programme, consultancy, creative studio, and epistemic skunkworks.


Event series, residency programme, consultancy, creative studio, and epistemic skunkworks.