March salon registration, reports & poems published, AST co-hosted events, 0x005 plans
Dear fellow discourse lovers,
We hope this missive reaches you in good health and spirits. At least from our vantage point, it appears that viral winter may almost be over. As we tentatively begin to make plans for spring, summer and autumn we will endeavour to switch to a mixture of offline and online gatherings with digital and outdoor fallbacks. More on that soon!
Next open call event ::: 0x001b on memetics & mimesis ::: w/b 22nd Mar
Marking the completion of the salon’s first solar cycle, we’re heading back to where it started…with a twist. 0x001 Better Living Through Abstraction questioned the utility of abstraction without concretisation in a sweeping arc of epistemic trespassing writ large but this time we’ll focus upon the cultural accelerators that memes - in all their myriad forms - have become in the present day.
Please fill in this Participant Request Form in to register interest in joining us. We'll be in touch with updates in early March.
Participant Wiki (WIP)
Resources & materials via
Outputs :::: 0x001 & 0x003 poetics via the Cryptographic Poetics Researchers’ Union
CPRU activity has kicked up a gear with two new short pieces in their typical ‘Minimum Viable Poetry’ style. Read Capitalism’s Transcendental Slime Machine and The Basilisk Swan Pt.1 on the 0x Salon website.
Outputs :::: 0x003 Algorithmic Realism salon report articles
We’ve been catching up on our writing backlog! Check out the first six short salon report bulletins in this article collection, with more to come!
Co-hosted event format debut - collaboration with A. S. T.
Good news, even more salons! We’re happy to report that our first co-hosted discussion took place recently, as we embark upon a collaboration with coastal ecology focused artist collective Alliance of the Southern Triangle. Their Protocols for the Phase Transition article was a recommended text for 0x004. Thanks to all who participated in the conversation around time and risk, we’re very much looking forward to the next instalments.
0x004 ‘open call events’ on Synthetic & Artificial Life wrapped!
We held a pair of sessions on the thorny and speculative matters around the limits of life recently, which conclude our winter virtual program for The Forest From The Trees. We focused on ‘Ecologies, Economies or Ecosystems?’, ‘Dark Vitalism’, ‘Ecological Risk’, ‘Speculative Ecologies’ and ‘Synthetic & Artificial Life’. Thanks to our wonderful participants! Write-ups coming soon, hopefully…
Next topic update ::: 0x005 The Indifference Engine
Well, it’s almost time for the salon to finally address the elephant in the room. Avoiding talk of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, tokens and the like seems quite hard at the moment but we hope that our forthcoming series over spring and summer will provide some respite from the breathless proclamations of grifters, ideologues and speculators. In the meantime, check out our 0x005 topic page, research archive and keynote presentation at Chaos Computer Congress ‘20.
Recap: 0x Salon Reviews & Explainers
We wrote some things to try and better explain what the 0x Salon is and does. Not easy!